Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Raspberry PI dark image

If you are using old webcam to capture images in Raspberry pi, you may get dark images in very old models of webcams, The best solution is to skip few frames before capturing images.

To demonstrate, I am using fswebcam from command prompt to capture image with this command  fswebcam -r 640X480 -s 15 image2.jpg where "-s 15" would skip first 15 frames before capturing image.

if you need installation instruction for fswebcam, please go to raspberry pi site here


  1. -S 15 is skip frames
    -s is set contrl value

  2. -S skipping frames worked, thank you

  3. I am trying 45 sec ! getting a blank screen after that also

  4. i am playing around with fswebcam and more often than not got a solid black picture. thanks for tiip

  5. Thank you Frame skipping did the work
